Below is a rough timeline showing how the look changed (click for full size):

Note that this isn't a complete, comprehensive look at the silhouette theme. I want to show how the cloudy silhouette theme changed. In a future post I will show discarded areas and different versions of this theme, and the Torque Eduardo screenshot is a glimpse of that.
As usual, very few assets were used to make up this level. Many of them based on assets from level 1.
Below is a reference mock-up using final assets.

And here's an in-game screenshot from the final game:

The grain is exaggerated in the screenshots--don't ask why. It should look more subtle on your tv screen. Of course, as it always happens, whenever I look back at the game I feel like changing this and that and in this case toning down that grain a bit. But that's okay, I'm satisfied with the end result all things considered. Take what you learn from the past and apply it to whatever you do next, right?
I think the grain effect actually works on the level. If anything could be added is changing the enemy characters into a marked black silhouette since that wouldn't affect gameplay too mcuh. I do agree that having Eduardo and friends in a silhouette would create too much caos.
So, any news on your next game?
We have a small iphone game coming out soon (hopefully). I think we'll announce it once we submit it to apple.
Good to know you're going on with that project. Hopefully sales from both Eduardo and your new game will allow you to post a profit soon.
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